The multiplayer plugin has expressions used to compensate lag for the x,y,angle of a single peer object that is associated with a player.
However, this is bad design because it doesn't allow lag compensation for instance variables of other objects. The multiplayer plugin forces you to use one object for the movement/angle mechanics. What if you have two angles the player aims with, or controls two positions? or controls more than one object?.. There is no way to compensate for more than one x,y,angle. Only one object with its x,y,angle seems to be recorded to do lag compensation.
This suggests that you can only compensate relative to other associated peer objects.. So you can't for instance compensate for projectiles if for instance you want to shoot down a moving object that isn't a player. The player- when shooting, wouldn't be able to find the compensated position of the object by the host because the expression can only check the associated peer objects that represent players.
Am I mistaken? Is there ability to compensate for other instance variables, positions, angles, objects?? Seems like a big oversight to me.