We did this before, but our requirements for this have changed slightly so we can't use the older ones unfortunately!
If anyone can do this for us we will be very grateful and most appreciative!
We're currently adding a testimonials page to the site, could people who have used Construct 2 and are experienced with it please email tom@scirra.com with:
- Title of the email "Construct 2 Testimonial"
- A short review, this can be between 1 and 5 paragraphs long
- Your full name
- Your country
- Your website URL and/or business name (if you have one, don't worry if not!)
- Rating of Construct 2 (out of 5)
- A photo of yourself (we may modify this photo to fit in on the site for example grey scale, cropping and resizing)
Please note that if you email this information to us, you are giving permission for us to publish all this information on our website.
Also please note that your testimonial is not guaranteed to be published.