How to support only iPhone on iOS / iTunes

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  • I'm trying to upload my 1st app to iTunes, but get #$@@@@!!! error:

    "Universal binaries require at least one screenshot for every supported device. Additionally, you must provide the required screenshots for each localization."

    in Xcode I have selected Device > iPhone (so not Device > Universal nor Device > iPad) but anyway after uploading build I get this nasty error message on iTunes

    What to do?

    Why it asks for iPad screenshot if I have selected Device > iPhone on Xcode?

    Is it because of CocoonJS pre-loaded launch images or what?

  • 3 times app not successfull uploaded via WiFi (on finish - start again)

    3-4 times app not successfull uploaded via 3G (on finish pause or start again)

    everywhere in Xcode I have Device > iPhone,

    but iTunes still says "universal"

    omg... it's one big WTF for me

    ArcadEd you should mention that this is soo f_cked up

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  • The error that you posted in the first post seems like you didn't include screenshots from the actual game. Apple forces you to have very specific screenshots/images when submitting your app, if you don't have them it won't go through.

  • as far as I understand: if app is "iPhone only" (setup in Xcode) then iTunes don't require screenshot for iPad; but it requires both iPhone and iPad screenshots when app is "Universal"

    my case is: I setup "iPhone" but iTunes anyway sees my app as "Universal"

  • I just got reply from Ludei Support:


    By default, the project is configured for universal devices. We've received some requests for creating a iphone or Ipad only compilation. We're internally discussing it, on how to provide different alternatives, but at the moment, the project is universal.

    Sorry for this.


  • and another reply from Ludei:

    Q: Can I somehow (by hand) make it "iPhone" only? Why setting up "Device > iPhone" does not give expected result on iTunes?

    A: It seems somehow the configuration isn't enough. We've included it in our bugtracker to solve it.

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