[quote:r8x35rxr]One way I handle a situation like that is this:
Find ("|1|4|5|6|7|9|11|12|", "|"&var&"|")<>-1
Not really sure how you would use that in a list? Can "find" go through all items in a list?
[quote:r8x35rxr]I'm not sure we could even make a new operator that could work like that, and I'm not aware of any language or tool out there that does. I think it is best if you just use an OR block.
Yeah I ended up doing that, but thanks for reply.
[quote:r8x35rxr]Logical operator OR, by it's definition, returns only 0 or 1 depnding on the expressions to compare.
Yeah my hope was that it was possible if written in the way I did, that C2 could somehow be made to recognize it in a way so it would just repeat testing the original variable against each value, without having to copy paste it.