Warning: There's a bit of a long read ahead. But try and get through it, I put a ton of thought into this and I think it's worth your time
Construct 2 plays a very difficult game - a great balancing act of making an engine simple enough for non-programmers to use while maintaining the
flexibility and complexity required by advanced developers. And it does this brilliantly - mostly.
One feature, which is commonplace in just about every high level OOP language, seems to be neglected and forgotten about, even though it is
crucial to almost every modern day application.
I am talking, of course, about Classes. You know, those customizable objects with their own properties and variables.
"So you mean Sprites?" I can hear you asking.
Well, sort of.
While Sprites do have the ability to store information in themselves through Instance Variables, I feel that they are severly limited. First of all, using a
Sprite to store data just seems strange. I mean, sure, I can spawn new ones off the layout with their own variable values, but that seems way too
much like a workaround rather than a feature. And I'm fairly certain that the process of creating a sprite, albeit offscreen, is far more resource
intensive than manipulating much simpler data.
Second of all, there are only three (3!!!) data types available for instance variables - Number, Boolean, and Text. While this may work for simple
things, it is borderline unusable for more complex problems.
Let's take an example:
Let's say I'm making a pizzeria simulation game. A customer calls and places an order, and I need to fill out the order properly, through mini games
and memorization. Stuff like remembering toppings, customer details, slice cutting, seasoning, and the works. Sounds simple, right? But let's look at
the classes and properites needed:
Customer - First Name(text), Last Name(text), Phone Number(number), Address(text), Slices Ordered(???)[/code:23trtued]
If I were to use a conventional programming language, this would be very simple. I would simply create a Slice class that looks like this:
[code:23trtued]Slice - Toppings(text array)[/code:23trtued]
And then make the Slices Ordered property be an array of Slice objects.
[code:23trtued]Customer - First Name(text), Last Name(text), Phone Number(number), Address(text), Slices Ordered(Slice array)[/code:23trtued]
While simple through conventional programming, [b]this is ridiculously difficult in Construct 2.[/b]
Sprites cannot have arrays, dictionaries, or other Sprites (or even anything remotely object related) as an Instance Variable. So instead, I'd have to
resort to using confusing, sideways solutions like using 3D global arrays (for something so obviously non global!) as subsitutes and just parsing
through row, column, and depth for each property, value (which can be an array!), and customer respectivly. And parsing that is hell. And should be
entirely unnecessary.
I hope you see my problem by now.
[i]"So, what's your solution?"[/i] I can hear you asking.
Well, it's definitely not going to be easy to implement, but I definitely think it's possible, and necessary. Please note that this is just how I envision
this, and is definitely not the only way to do this.
So you double click the screen, and add a "Class" object. It's added to your object bar, but not shown on screen, like an array or dictionary. When
selected, it shows the "Object type properties", "Container", and an "Variables" bar (just to avoid confusion with Instance Variables. You'll see why in
a second). The only thing that is different here is that the Variables bar (which has an "Add/Edit" option, like we're used to) when clicked, and after
pressing the add button, the available types shown are: Number, Boolean, Text, Array, Dictionary, and [i]any other classes that you have created
on this layout[/i]. If the Array or Dictionary options are selected, the Initial Value field expands to contain all of an Array's or Dictionary's starting
Properties panel (in the case of an array - width, height, and depth), and in the case of a Class, all non-complex variables (number, text, boolean)
are shown, and then, in a recursive hierarchical fashion, each complex object shows its information until the lowest, only non-complex variable level is
reached. Just visualize it like nested dropdown lists, much like [url]http://orteil.dashnet.org/nested[/url].
So you've created your class! Whoo! But be patient - it's not on the layout yet. You've just built the abstract of it. Let's jump to the event sheet and
get this thing in our game.
Let's have a look at it's actions. Click "Add Action", and each Class object that you've created appears there, like any other object does. Each class
has the actions "Initialize", "Destroy", and "Set Variable" (there could definetly be more, these are just the essentials). "Initialize" opens up a menu
box identical to what is shown when setting the Class's default variable values, except at the top it has a "Tag" or "Name" option, much like audio
files. This is what will be used whenever you need to access this specific instance of the class. "Destroy" takes a name and destorys the instance
related to it. "Set Variable" allows you to set the value of one of the variables in this instance.
So if I want to compare the value of "Name" inside of the instance "customer1" of the Class "Customer" with the string "Bob", I would access it by
typing something along the lines of
Or if I wanted to get his street number, which is stored in another class called "Address", I would access it by typing
[code:23trtued]Customer.getInstance("customer1").getClass("Address").getValue("Street Number")[/code:23trtued]
Or if I wanted to access an Array of something stored in the customer
This may seem a bit too programmer-y, but again, this is just the way that I see things, and is completely up to anyone's interpretation.
Condition-wise, there shouldn't be too much, just maybe a "Is Initialized" option or something along those lines.
And that's basically it. So while this may be difficult to implement, it definitely is possible. Thanks for taking your time to read this, and if you have
any questions don't hesitate to respond here or shoot me a tweet @bowiz2. I tried to make this as understandable as possible, but I may have failed
miserably - so let me know!
Have a great day!