After exporting my game, in addition to the moments of odd lag, I have been getting this bizarre error:
(function(Module, FS) { return function($0,$1,$2){ { var self = Module['getCache'](Module['JSContactFilter'])[$0]; if (!self.hasOwnProperty('ShouldCollide')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSContactFilter::ShouldCollide.'; return self.ShouldCollide($1,$2); } } })[/code:18k7fs82]
Again, this is with a project that exported just fine before 196 (I have a ton of GIFs that I was recording to show off to prove it did). I looked up the keywords and found it is related to the physics engine.
You can see for yourself here by using the Java Script Console: [url=] ... index.html[/url]
The game works in all preview modes, just not on export.
I haven't submitted a report because I'm confused what it is and whether or not anyone else is getting this error and unsure what to do.