Nope, neither CC nor C2 have tileset support. It's something nearly every game engine neglects for reasons I'll never understand; tilesets have been used in thousands of games and are still used today. Without them, your level building options are very limited.
Yes, you can "import tilesets" as sprite objects, use different frames as different tiles, then drag and drop them in the layout, but that is impractical on so many levels that I shouldn't have to explain why.
You can build your own tile-based level editor too, but C2 is designed to make games, not tools, and that is a significant amount of work just to be able to use tiles; you're basically making a new layout editor in all it's entirety. Also, without full file i/o, simply managing your map data will give you a headache.
I think the best bet is to use Tiled or maybe Ogmo Editor or some other 3rd party tile-based level editor, but I'm not sure how you'd read their output to load tiles, objects, map settings, and other data. I hope somebody looks into that soon..