yes but here there is a big problem...
the same project that I posted before, was running 60fps in chrome 1 year ago (you can see in the video, run 60fps while I was recording the screen!), now I don't know why, the same project in chrome run 30-50 fps... maybe they change something in the new version of chrome? that sounds strange... or maybe construct2? I dont think so... I don't know why there is this big difference...should be some bug or some issue in performance... and the fps in construct2 are very important, because if the game run 30-50 fps when you play the game you see a lot of lag, also if run 50fps, because chrome change everytime the fps without any reason...
someone noticed that? or I am the only one?
after 1 years the performance should be better...
In debug mode, chrome is awful. At least the end product should not be this bad. It runs better in the profile mode of the debugger. Nonetheless, edge seems faster when not using the debugger.
edge in the debug mode of construct2 run 60fps without any lag! so, chrome really ******** chrome with the debug run 2-20 fps and that is ridiculous (and that was before too)