Okay, so this seems quite interesting: http://www.solu.co/
They just launched their Kickstarter yesterday: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/67 ... -computing and it is doing nicely.
I read some more about this and it seems they are using HTML5 to run their apps. Whoa!
What do you guys think?
Its got the specs to run C2 games, so there's yer native export.
Yeah, I mean C2 is THE tool for this computer. I really hope this does not become another OUYA.
Also, 20 dollars per month seems quite a lot.
Article on BBC website - not very complimentary.
Kind of a chicken and egg deal.
In order for it to be worth it, it would need a lot of software, but it doesn't sound like an ecosystem developers would be real comfortable with.
It seems like it is designed for someone that doesn't know how to use a computer.
Is that something that should be encouraged (being brainless)?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Anyways. I'm not really a believer myself at this point, but it'll be interesting to see where this is going - if anywhere.
The skeptic in me thinks that some of the companies now just do this stuff in the hope of being bought out after gaining some attention and making their millions like Oculus Rift and Facebook.
They're basically making Facebook OS here anyway.