I can assure you that most Android Kitkat (4.4) devices up to Android Marshmallow (6.1) runs good with C2 made games as long as it follows these conditions....
+Less than 80mB active memory usage.
+Less than
(For small objects)200 simultameous moving objects.
(For average sized objects) 80
(For big sized objects) 30 or less.
+No physics! Unless the game project is small.
+Don't add unnecessary behaviors.
+Use Tilemaps instead of adjacent tiles.
+Use TiledBackground for Backgrounds.
+Turn off Collision for non-colliding objects.
+Assure events are optimized especially for loops.
+As much as possible, only use (2x2) image sized tiledbackground for ground floor or corner solid instead of solid tilemap / sprite .
If you follow these you'll get this performance within these range.
Small games : (52 to 60 fps)
Average games : (42 to 52 fps)
Big Games : ( 24 to 42 fps)
That's based on my experience on mobile development.