> I don't know man, I'm trying to make a big game on it and I'm amazed at how well it works. I'm using a bunch of layers, particles, behaviors and whatsoever and nothing has ever crashed with me.
> See: youtube.com/watch
> Before Construct I used MMF to make my games and I lost around 2 or 3 games because MMF decided to crash whenever I opened my projects, after some time.
> Link to that prototype : dl.dropbox.com/u/2383513/Sarah-PROTOTYPE2/index.html
That prototype is just awesome!!!
How did you do the inventory?
(simple explanation is enough, more thorough would be great)
I'm new to Construct 2 (but used the games factory 2 and older klik and play).
It's really hard for me to explain.. but I'll try. All items are the same sprite, but on different animation frames. When you hold Space, there's an "for each element on X" on the array where I;
1- Create the item on the menu (at position itemmenu.x - 32 * ArrayItems.IndexOf(currentvalue) - This means that the item is always created on a position based on it's index value on the array.
2- Set that item animation to it's x position in the array.
Since this is a "for each X element" loop, these two lines will apply to every object created, and only objects that you have in the array.
Hope that isn't too hard to understand, I **** at explaining.
Do you have an updated link? Your old prototype url looks broken, now.
Yup, sorry, here it is dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2383513/Sarah-proto4/index.html
I recently got a publisher so my release date is now January 2014, but I'll have a small demo next month!