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  • right click on the tilemap palette, and choose the desired zoom level

  • This feature is also mentioned in the Manual:

    [quote:24dg12h2]If you are dealing with small tiles, you can also right-click on the tilemap and select a zoom level from the menu.

  • zenox98 Thanks Zeno. It looks like this is just a viewing setting for Construct and not a zoom for the actual rendering correct? If it's the latter, I can't seem to find out how it works.

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  • zenox98 Thanks Zeno. It looks like this is just a viewing setting for Construct and not a zoom for the actual rendering correct? If it's the latter, I can't seem to find out how it works.

    What do you mean?

    This feature of increasing the zoom level for the Tilemap tiles is what was requested in the OP and is implemented.

    If you need to have the actual Tilemap object level increased then wouldn't the zoom via the Layout View menu work?

    What exactly is it you are asking?

    If you mean an increase in the scale of the original tile then that could be horrible.

    If the original tileset is of 8x8 tiles, then increasing the scale by a factor of 2, 3 or more would make them horribly pixelated.

  • zenox98 I have a game that has pixel art. I am zooming (resizing up) the main character that is only 13 pixels tall to about 100 pixels. I have it set to nearest pixel, so it doesn't look blurry. I also want to zoom the tilemap so that I don't have to draw each "pixel" 3-4 pixels wide to match the zoomed pixels.

  • how about scaling the layer up?

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