hi my question is, if i have a website, the first page is named index.html, but if i made fr example 10 differents games in construct 2 the thing is, all thoses games are goign to be named "index" can whe change that?
imothep85, It depends on how you set it up the files on your server. You could put each game in it's own folder (that's probably how I would do it, that's how I'm doing it with http://funandfunnygames.com)
ok i can make differents folders on teh server, but evey game is going to be named index??? its possible to change that?
looooool your game with the red square is addictive :D
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You can link to the folder, index.html will load by default.
for example:
Pucked is the folder, which actually loads the index.html
It should work fine if you rename index.html to something else, but the images and media folders might conflict, so just put each game in its own folder.