Hi ikarus. I got an email from Tom at Scirra today saying my paypal payment had been put under review by paypal, he showed me a screen dump of his merchant transaction proving this.
He was very polite and apologised for the whole thing, and said it would go through in a day or two.
I checked about this issue on paypal and it seems paypal do it to protect the buyer, I don't see how this works, but what is obvious is that paypal have my ?80 and are gaining interest on it. Now lets say they do this to 1% of payments each day, I reckon that adds up to several thousand pounds a month in interest.
Personally I think it's very sly of paypal to do this, and I'm far from happy with them. I don't think it's Scirra's fault at all.
I'll update when I get the redeem code from Scirra.
Have you tried emailing supportvxh@scirra.com and licensehelpvxh@scirra.com? I was about to email the licensehelp address but as I was typing the email Tom got in touch with me from the supportvxh@scirra.com address.
Email both and see if your in the same boat mate.