Is this posible?

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  • Hey!

    I'm new here, never used C2 before, but used some similars, like gamesalad or stencyl.

    I was wondering if this is the best engine to do what I want,

    I do know some basics about coding, since I'm studying it on college,

    but what I don't know is the graphic/animation part,

    so what I'm looking for is a drag n' drop + code engine,

    is this posible in C2?

    An example,

    I want to make a platform-rpg style of game,

    so I make the map and put the npcs/mobs with the drag n' drop system.

    But then code life/attack/defense and such like:


    Mob.Life = 1000 (Example)





    Mob.NewLife = 0 -> Mob's dead.

    So this is a rough example,

    no language or such, just an idea.

    So, is it posible to combine drag n' drop functions with coding?

    And also,

    is it powerful enough to make sandbox random generated large worlds,

    random apear mobs, and things like that?

    And if it supports coding, which language does it use?

    Or should I use another program/engine?


    (My plans are an adventure, sandbox, rpg-like game, like terraria world (big random generated world, just world, not cavind system)) with Action-Rpg system)

  • The question isn't 'is it possible' but rather, 'can you do it?'

    I'm certain an action-RPG system with a procedurally generated world can be created using C2, Stencyl, or GameSalad.

    If you want massive multiplayer out of the box, you will need to create your own.

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  • Nope, I don't want mmo,

    just single player,

    the question is if I can code some things,

    like the examples,

    instead of make events/actions for it,

    just go and code it in whatever language it use.

    And sorry about the title,

    I made the title and then started to explain myself.

  • You can code your own plugins and behaviours in Javascript with the javascript SDK.

    There is no 'coding system' within C2 like there was in Construct Classic. To be honest, it's not really necessary. C2's events are very powerful.

  • Sounds interesting,

    I'll take a look at the javascript SDK,

    but also try to do it with just C2,

    if you say it's not necessary,

    then I'll try :)

  • martinx09

    For the damages, HP, etc.-->simple! Just use Global variables or variables.

    For random generation--->C2 is powerful enough but do take note it's HTML5 performance and you need some good programming skills to be able to do that in C2. If not, try the javascript SDK as your last option.

  • martinx09

    For the damages, HP, etc.-->simple! Just use Global variables or variables.

    For random generation--->C2 is powerful enough but do take note it's HTML5 performance and you need some good programming skills to be able to do that in C2. If not, try the javascript SDK as your last option.


    Global variables would work perfectly, thanks.

    I already did a random generated map,

    and It runs okay with short maps (like 2056 pixels long (X))

    but If I make a large map, like 40960px long,

    It runs laggy, is there a way to disable offscreen objects or something like that to solve that?

  • C2 doesn't send draw calls for objects outside of the visible window and your graphics card also doesnt draw objects off screen.

    However the game logic still runs.

    If you say you have a 40960(!) pixels wide layout and it's full with objects doing things at the same time, then I can imagine it lags.

    There's an event condition in C2 "If object is on screen" or "If object is not on screen" which you can use.

  • If I use something like,

    if object is offscreen set visible false,

    then it would be faster?

    Or the same?

    And yeah,

    I tried with 40960px wide,

    just to see if large world could be generated.

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