I am almost ready to launch some Android Applications.
I am very curious what monetize ways people use and how much they earn.
Please feel free to burn away!
Also for the sake of making it easy please tell us also what program u used to add this monetizing.
if ads, then AdMob via MoPub in CocoonJS,
which gives not scalable banners (so too small on 1280x800, too big on 800x480) and average eCPM 1,5$ (so 1,5$ per 1000 ad displays)
I guess there is no better solution
Any one tried Airpush? ( Phonegap build, Eclipse edit )
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
my friend did nice money with Java + AirPush
but anyway on PhoneGap you can make only really simple app
(because it's terrible slow)