hey there !! 1 gb ram for pc is good, also can cross 1gb ram no problem..
what i wanna know is that what is the maximum number of ram for mobile phones to run games smoooth.... super smooth..??? 100mb , 500mb ???? anyone have experience exporting larger games for mobiles?? and what should i use to export. ??
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
For mobile you have to optimize your game like crazy. It means your code as well as you assets. You should use Cordova export and build it with Intel XDK.
I think I read somewhere here to try keep it under 100mb but you'll more likely be limited by processing power before memory.
Ram usage isn't what determines whether a game runs well/fast or not, ram is just storage, either your game fits into memory and runs, or it does not and it will crash.
Always test your game during development on mobiles to ensure it runs well.