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  • 9 posts
  • How come Construct 2 can make games for mac, but you can't download the actual Construct 2 Software on mac

  • …Because the games runtime engine is browser based (html5) and the Construct editor isn't.

    I use Parallels to run Construct on the mac, but you will have to wait for Construct 3 for native editor support.

  • Because Construct 2 Engine is programmed in C#. And it is windows only

  • Because Construct 2 Engine is programmed in C#. And it is windows only

    C# isn't windows only... :/

  • > Because Construct 2 Engine is programmed in C#. And it is windows only


    C# isn't windows only... :/

    Yeah you can use mono but c# is basically a windows oriented technology for those who wanted to abandon java. I think c2 was made with .NET

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  • >

    > > Because Construct 2 Engine is programmed in C#. And it is windows only

    > >


    > C# isn't windows only... :/


    Yeah you can use mono but c# is basically a windows oriented technology for those who wanted to abandon java. I think c2 was made with .NET


  • …Because the games runtime engine is browser based (html5) and the Construct editor isn't.

    I use Parallels to run Construct on the mac, but you will have to wait for Construct 3 for native editor support.

    Construct 3 is gonna be for mac? Also I thought it doesn't work in Parrellels, I've tried it in WineBottler but it won't pan and you can't debug or test the game :p

  • Construct 3 is gonna be for mac?

    One of the main reasons to get into C3 development was to ditch the restraints of the library that is currently used for the editor interface, to make a mac port of the editor possible.. so, yes.

  • Construct 2 uses C++ and MFC, not any .NET technologies.

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