Anyone testing on an original kindle fire? How's the performance, do any of the browsers you can get for it (stock, firefox, chrome, opera) support directcanvas?
We don't have a Kindle Fire to test on, but if someone's got one and they could run this:
It's our favourite performance test to check out new devices. It will report a score after about a minute.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Hi there,
TestScore on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 = 15
I tried it on a motarolla xoom with their default browser and it ran very slowly (canvas 2d). i'll see if they can install chrome on it and run it again. And i'll try the kindle fire and report back.
The original Kindle fire: 10FPS
Quiet sh*tty performance. Using the amazon's silk browser 8P
Here is a promissing results. I ran the benchmarks on my kindle fire 1st gen with the dolphin browser. And the dolphin jetpack add ons. It enhances html5 games. I got around 35 fps and a score of 36. Much better than the default browser.