Hello there,
I'm getting this error mesage in the console all the time, even in template projects:
GET localhost/jquery.min.map 404 (Not found)
As far as I understand, jquery was removed? Are there any consequences?
I'm getting that with one old game I loaded for the first time in awhile.
Do you have any plugins in yours?
(I made a new test project and my plugins work, so I'm here searching for clues.)
I'm using r142
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
No plugins. I tried to export an empty project and got this error.
Does your game still work? mine wasn't working. I finally got it to work my not minimizing it on export. But I still get that error.
Yes, so far everything works.
I'm getting the same error even with new projects.
Last stable release r139
any help?
same error shows up on my chrome debug. (game still runs fine)
using r142
There is no consequence to this error. It is simply looking for a file to de-minify the jQuery source, but we do not provide it because it's not necessary. TBH Chrome should probably not log an error in this case.
Ashely thanks for your reply, good to know theres no consequences! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />