Some people in this community are french or use french keyboard like me or
vtrix ;-p
I create this post to help game dev. to improve games giving to them a international keyboard settings support !
Arrow keys support is the more easiest way to do that ... but arrow keys are good for people using mouse with left hand ... for those using mouse with right hand is better to use WASD (english QWERTY keyboard) or ZQSD (french AZERTY keyboard).
It's not difficult at all to create games that support the two settings ...
Simply think to do that :
("W" and "Z") must have the same behaviour in your games
("A" and "Q") must have the same behaviour in your games
So using a "Make 'or' block" in C2 this can be done in 3 seconds and required 0 events more for proudly say : "my game support international keyboard settings" ! ;-p
If you want that all C2 games will be more "user thinking" games ... give your own suggestions replying to this post !