Just to thank
Ashley for the very noticable performance boost with r166.
I test my game on 3 computers on a regular basis, and one of them was unable to run the game smoothly (20fps with input lag).
Now, same weak computer, nearly 50fps and no more input lag... What is this magic?
I don't know what happened, but, wow, a huge THANKS! for this < 3
I also saw this while testing on my phone (with chrome for android), before it was ~10 fps for 6 seconds then around 20-30, with small pauses (yet still fine for my phone, it is not a great phone, FAR from it) with the stable, and now it is 20 fps at the beginning, then a solid 33 fps with only occasionnal pauses with the r166
I think the r166 changed the way trigger events works (changelog..), but pretty sure other optimisations were done to the engine