Here is what I found out so far:
lways the exact same files)
If I'm on Firefox, I can't change Layout to the actual game.
If I'm on Safari the game crashes/freezes when the Stewardess object is created.
If I'm on Chrome, everything runs fine, but the Stewardess is a big grey thingy.
Funny enough, when I try it on Dropbox, it doesn't matter which browser or which computer, it runs totally perfect.
On my Server, not so much (same with newgrounds and clay.io):
I tried to upload "Clown on a plane" to newgrounds. I got invited and the system expects me to upload a ZIP file.
On the board here I read that I just take the normal HTML5-page export, and zip the content.
It "kinda" worked:
The HTML5-preloader (for the graphic assets) does it's thing. After that my custom pre-loader is playing (for all the sounds). That also works.
After that you get to the "Credits" and "Play Game".
Checking out the Credits works just fine, but whenever I click on "Play Game" all that happens is that the Buttons dissapear. Both the Credits and the Game would be on a different layout. So in both cases it would need to go to a different layout.
Can anybody tell me what is happening there? Do I even make sense with my description?