After about a week or searching for a way to do a procedurally generated table, I am left to engineering my own patchwork solution. I cannot say how nice it would be to have an official table object to use.
Some of the basic properties that I would like to see:
* 2-dimensional orthogonal frame of reference
* Automatically resizing cells that adjust to the sprites/text within
* X/Y coordinates for cells
* Sprite or solid color backgrounds for each cell
* Subsidiary Z-layers within each cell (or perhaps just integrated with the overall layout z-layers?)
* Top-left 0,0 reference point (like text objects)
Some more intensive properties that might take more time to get working:
* Cell combination (to make non-square tables)
* Perhaps some dynamic coloring/etc. for borders
I am sure that there are a lot more useful tabular features that I am missing off of the top of my head, but just ask Google Docs and grab some of their feature sets.
You Construct devs have worked some nice magic in the JS realm thus far; so I don't imagine this would be too much of a stretch for you, just a matter of time and money.