Feature request: Containers for families

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  • 7 posts
  • Are there any plans to implement something like that? Perhaps my approach to designing games is something that was not intended with C2, but having containers for families would be swee-heet.

    Like simple scenario where I have objects GoodGuy and BadGuy, which both belong to 'Person' family. I'd like every 'Person' to have health bar object associated with them, but currently this is not possible.

    It's mostly matter of workflow and how you wish to keep your objects organized; I prefer using families a lot as it feels more intuitive than having those objects merged into single Guy object, and giving it all functionalism of the 'Person' family.

  • The problem with that is that containers have a creation, and destruction event for every object.

    What you need is a way to pair objects like the CC object Pairer did.

  • The problem with that is that containers have a creation, and destruction event for every object.

    What you need is a way to pair objects like the CC object Pairer did.

    True dat.

    Pairing would be solid solution in my opinion.

  • You can already do pairing in events, but it can be a bit fiddly. If you create the right number of objects, though, they should just all naturally pair up.

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  • Ashley - sometimes that doesn't work though, when a specific object is needed to be paired with another and c2 thinks otherwise. I really want the pairer object in c2, I hope you'll add it eventually, It would save a lot of storing/checking uids.

  • It would save a lot of storing/checking uids.

    My consensus as well, managing/picking those UIDs at every other turn feels tedious at some cases.

  • I support this

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