For web no issues, html5 will do the trick (still risk of having browsers issue, like the infamous chrome bug that ruins the game due to it ruining the smoothness of the game), but that is rather a web issue that affects not only C2 But canvas in general with chrome.
All the others are just wrapping the web game inside a browser that looks like an executable, basically, the current "better way" (as defined by the community experience I gathered) seems to be:
Windows (Xp and up): Node Webkit 10.5
Mac OSX : Node Webkit 10.5 (may need some adjusting)
Linux : also node webkit 10.5, but I am not an expert on how to make it actually work, some people seems to have issues making it run
iOS : CocoonJS Webview+ (by ludei) seems to be the best on iOS8
Android : either the fixed crosswalk 7 version, or cocoonJS canvas+ (by ludei)
Why crosswalk 7 and node webkit 10.5 rather than the latests ones: there is currently (7 months already I think) a nasty bug in the chromium base that basically ruins your game, and those version did not inherit the bug.
Hope that sums it up.
Also, apart from ludei's wrapper, do not expect any big performances gain after exporting compared to the web (there might be due to the fact the latest chrome is uhhh... but be careful keeping in mind that it is actually still a web game, just looking like an executable)