Construct 2 Personal da erro depois de segundos e fecha (Con

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  • ola pessoal... estou com um problema desde o dia que adiquiri o Construct 2 Personal pela Steam... quando abro o construct - mesmo com um projeto em branco ou o demo que vem com o programa ou até um meu pessoal - ele fica alguns segundos funcionando e depois fecha dando um erro de windows. Já atualizei os drives para o mais recente; já desinstalei o Catalyst e depois instalei tudo novamente; mas nada ele insiste em dar o mesmo erro... será que alguem poderia me ajudar com isso? Já falei com a Scirra e infelizmente não estou tendo nenhum tipo de suporte - falaram para eu atualizar os drives e se não resolvesse pediram para eu pedir o reembolso com a Steam e adiquirir o programa com eles, mas se eles autorizam a Steam a comercializar o produto deles eles deveriam por principio da o suporte e a Steam, por sua vez, não vai devolver meu dinheiro por que já se passou mais de 2 horas - essas 2 horas eu passei só tentando resolver o problema - agora estou assim: sem usar o programa que eu já paguei e sem meu dinheiro de volta para adiquirir outro com a propria Scirra!

    personal hello ... I have a problem since the day adiquiri Construct 2 Personal by Steam ... when I open the construct - even with a blank project or demo that comes with the program or even one of my staff - it is a few seconds and then closes working giving a windows error. Already updated the drives to the most recent; already I uninstalled the Catalyst and then installed it again; but nothing he insists on giving the same mistake ... will someone could help me with this? I have spoken with Scirra and unfortunately am not having any kind of support - told me to update the drives and if not resolved asked me to request a refund with Steam and adiquirir the program with them, but if they authorize Steam to market their product they should on principle of support and Steam, in turn, will not return my money because it's been over 2 hours - these two hours I spent just trying to solve the problem - now I'm like this: without using the program that I've already paid and without my money back for another adiquirir with own Scirra! ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing

    Sistema: Windows 7 ultimate - 64 bits;

    12,0 GB RAM;

    Processador: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU@3.40GHz;

    Placa de video: Radeon HD 6800 series(primária) versão drive: 15.301.1901-160226a-299900

    Placa Mãe: Asus P8 H67-M LE&LX

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  • Can you translate the error as well?

  • ERROR "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly, Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is disponínel"

  • Look around and close some programs that you have running while opening C2 and see if the problem persists. Also, does the free version downloaded from this website works for you?

  • closed all - just steam is open because it was there that I bought - and the error continues. the free version I have tests all R230 - R277 and the error continues ... do not know what to do Scirra told me to ask the rembolso Steam and buy direct with her, but not Steam rembolsa because spent more than 2 hours - I was tendando fix this error, now I'm in this situation: I can not buy the program with Scirra because the supplier of it (Steam) do not rembolsa ... I do not know what I do because I need to use the program to work ... I'm grateful for you giving me this support!

  • good afternoon I think I found the bug ... I disabled (AMD GAMING EVOLVED) and already is two hours I'm using the construct 2 personal and did not give this error ... until the end of the day I will have a more solid position if it was what was causing the error or not, but I will cancel the purchase next to my bank with Steam because using the online software is interfering with the operation and adiquirir with direct Scirra ... will be a fight to get, but I prefer to buy direct with Scirra ... hug friend!

  • I'm glad you found the problem. If you have time it might worth to file a bug report regarding this following the guidelines:

  • Uma pergunta: adiquiri o programa com a própria Scirra, mas não sei como ativo a licença personal você pode me ajudar? foi gerado um numero apenas

  • arfam

    Você tem que pegar o arquivo .txt que eles te enviaram e colocar na mesma pasta do Construct 2 (geralmente é "C:\Arquivos de Programas\Construct2\" mas pode ser diferente).

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