Hey, it's been a while I did not update things here.
So basically, I did not have much time recently to work on any personnal project, so finishing this one took me quite some time. By "finishing" I mean leading it to where I initially wanted it to go, aka create a construct 2 event sheet and export it as a picture. I don't think I'll have the time to add anything else. Sorry :/... I'll maybe think about making it compatible on mobile, it shouldn't be too hard, but I don't think I'll ever have the time to work on the server based function that would store event sheets as single files or strings.
So, what I'm doing is that I'm publishing the sources for this project at different points in time, if anyone wants to remake parts of the tool or add features, remove any bug there is, and so on.
https://mega.nz/#!M9dRFADa!pwUl8ee27Oci ... cdZWVGUP20
The tool is available here:
However, I'm sorry, because I wrote the command list in french, and I should have written it in english, like pretty much everything else x). So until I translate it, here are the few commands you can access:
Drag on a UI element : Resize it
Right click anywhere: Make the dropdown menu appear
-Create : Event/Comment/Group/Variable
-Add/Remove one depth: On actions make them go down/up, on other UI, simulates a sub event positionning
-Move Up/Down: Moves up/down
-Toggle OR Block: Works for conditions, make every new line become a -OR- separation
-Toggle disabled: Makes the text a bit transparent (I couldn't have it crossed)
-Destroy: Destroys
Right click on a plus/minus icon: Change make it appear
Left click on a plus/minus icon : Change its state
Left click on a bookmark/breakpoint icon: Make it appear
Double left click on a text: Edit it
-"\n" adds a new line. For conditions, separates conditions
-"\i[X]" adds the Xth icon. To see what number adds what Icon, you can use the Icon viewer in the menu.
Middle button click: moves the camera
Middle button wheel up/down: zooms the camera
Middle button double click: Resets the camera state (100% zoom and focus at 0,0)
I want to add that this is a community-made tool for the community, so it seems logic that neither I nor anyone who works on this project should deserve any credit for this. Do beautiful things if you can.
EDIT: Commands have been translated and updated.