Chowdren: Fast Construct runtime for consoles/desktop

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • being the person behind the "Fake 3D" project that was shown in the thread, the biggest bottleneck was the "For Each" loop in the project, with the bottleneck I wasn't able to "render" more cars on screen without the performance being visibly effected.

    The Chowdren build of the "Fake 3D" project, I was able to experience 4.6+ times better performance over the normal C2 build in Google Chrome /NW.JS . I imagine that other projects would get even better results since they're likely not to be heavily using the "For Each" loop and updating hundreds of sprites on screen.

    Would definitely recommend Chowdren to anyone thinking of using it to port their game to other platforms, heck even on PC for that matter.

  • , heck even on PC for that matter.

    Can confirm that you do not want to release any complex platformer game on Steam with the default C2 exporter and platforming behaviors. Learned that one the hard way so you don't have to

  • Thanks for the Fake3D example project! It was a really great showcase of what Chowdren can do.

    (also it's a really neat idea and I hope you do something with it)


    Right now, my focus is on Construct 2, since the people I have spoken to haven't migrated to Construct 3 yet. I've heard that semantically, Construct 3 is very close to Construct 2, so it should be possible to make Chowdren work with C3.

  • Very nice, is cool when someone does some extensive stuff. But you should try it on with some default template or something similar for benchmark. Clearly that default fake3d is very strangely optimized.

    I changed that fake3d and got some results to.

    Default fake3D

    My own: had solid and car enabled.

    Test1 Behaviors enabled

    My own: solid and car disabled.

    Test2 Behaviors disabled

    When rotating that 1000 cars fps drops 15-25

    I did this on Construct 3

  • Very nice, is cool when someone does some extensive stuff. But you should try it on with some default template or something similar for benchmark. Clearly that default fake3d is very strangely optimized.

    I changed that fake3d and got some results to.

    Default fake3D

    My own: had solid and car enabled.

    Test1 Behaviors enabled

    My own: solid and car disabled.

    Test2 Behaviors disabled

    When rotating that 1000 cars fps drops 15-25

    I did this on Construct 3

    HOLY MOLY! dude do you have some crazy rig running all that! I wasn't able to run that well in C3 and C2 with my ok rig!

    matpow2 I hope to do something with the fake 3d aspect with a game that has nothing to do with cars haha, hope to show something of it when I finish some small projects or get an interested publisher on board that can help fund development of it.

  • SnipG Are you using the new Construct 3 faster renderer by any chance? If not, can you do that and post results too?

  • If anyone wants to share a project that they don't think runs fast enough I can profile it and possibly optimise it, at least for the C3 runtime. There might be accidental n^2 inefficiency in the events too (e.g. nested loops), which could be optimised from the events.

  • You don't need any super Rig to run it, when object does not move it won't take much CPU. I tested with this: Maybe

    i removed something to much, test yourself. ... sp=sharing

    Renderer did not give any fps boost at current proj, but spawning cars at higher obj count was much faster with that. Also new renderer layout rotate was bugged with this example, and did not rotate.

  • Well, you repeat the same complex formula 14 times in the events for what appears to only produce a varying Y offset, and it's bottlenecked on that. Those are super inefficient events. You should be able to easily optimise that to do one expensive calculation for the base, then simply offset the other slices vertically.

  • It's just snakes.

  • Nice, I hope you get a publisher on board! Keep us updated

    Like Ashley said, there are definitely some things that can be improved in the Fake3D project.

    If you're being careful, I think you can achieve good performance with the standard Construct runtime by just changing the events.

  • Looks very promising indeed. Are you able to port any WebGL effects that are used in a C2 project currently?

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  • I forgot to include the WebGL effects that are supported, thanks for reminding me!

    Right now, these are supported:

    • Warp
    • Adjust HSL
    • Overlay
    • SetColor
    • WarpMask
    • Additive
    • Brightness
    • Destination Out
    • Source Atop
    • Water Background
  • SnipG - the project you provided in your last post now runs 55% faster in the C3 runtime with the latest beta.

  • SnipG - the project you provided in your last post now runs 55% faster in the C3 runtime with the latest beta.

    How does that compare with the performance of the Chowdren native runtime example?

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