I was wondering what is the ideal number of collisions per tick?
When i say ideal i mean the ideal check collisions per tick to run a game smooth.
300 check collisions per tick, should i worry or not?
So yeah, that is my question.
It depends on different factors, In the debbuger you can see both type of collisions checks:
-Collision checks: It is a quick bounding box collision test, if this test is true, then it does the polygons check to see if the collision is truly happening.
-Poly checks: a costly collision check, based on the collision polygon, this one should be as low as possible IMO.
I think that the best is to not have useless collision checks, for exemple, is it useful to check every tick the collision between a giant slow canon bullet and a slow moving target (I mean in a case that they'll overlap during 10 tick in any case)? I think in some cases, you could try to filter those cases where the collision doesn't have to happen each tick (maybe by disabling collisions), but only if needed, also the collision cells can really help so filtering instances isn't always the best.
As for the quantities of collision checks, I guess it depends of the targeted platform, just try to not check useless things if that helps