I'm getting a frustrating crash where the program locks up. Windows will not appear and occasionally a dialog with "unexpected resource" shows up. This happens a lot when I attempt to add code. Is there a crash log somewhere I could look at?
I'm making an epic PC plat-former so My capx file is rather large 152 mb and I'm working on it as a caproj.
download is 106 mem usage is 115. (but its for PC not the net) I have lots of sprites and am in the process of consolidating them.
Is it just too large? (I still need to add about 100mb of content)
Yes I know I need a sample capx to submit a bug report in the other forum, which I will provide but I was hoping to get some information first before I go through that. (if you want just take a 256 sprite and clone it about 200 hundred times and you may get the error)(update I did this and it did not crash)
I'm using a steam personal version, can the business one handle more?
I updated my graphics card and am using windows 10
my pc specs are
intel core 15-2400 —
6 gb ram
64 bit os