I'm making an audio visualizer: https://ibin.co/34q0EXKVKX3g.png
I want to be able to choose audio with the file chooser, and it would play the song and visualize it. I've searched for a way to do this but there doesn't seem to be one. If I was able to choose the file, save it into the music or sounds folder, then play it from URL or something that would work. It is not possible for me to do this, however, because of limitations with C2.
I'm wondering if there is any way to do this, or if not, potentially add the ability to do this to Construct. By the way, it must be the Audio object. I have seen that it's possible to play audio by choosing a video file, but the Audio object has the FFT sample, which I need to visualize.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.