Hi everybody,
As you know I personally love the idea of in game purchases. Today I tried to see if I could make my own plugin to make Facebook credits available to use in construct 2.
As mentioned by Scirra it will be impossible to have IGP without some kind of server side scripting. I think I can devise a plan based on this picture
Basically I think that the existing FB function can be modified slightly to accommodation this. Here is how it should work
EVENT -> FB click to buy
-> Calls up the server in which your app purchase code is on
- On this you would have to manually code your dialogue box. I am not that talented of a coder and I can do it. If this ever comes to be Ill make a tutorial on it. I also suggest doing it this way so that you have control over what you your store dialogue to look like.
-> Displays the dialogue to buy
- In the dialogue it there would be a click to purchase
-> Requesting the payment status update from your callback
-> Display the you purchased X dialogue box
- Then you can set your IGP Boolean variable to true
And that would be the extent on how this would work. I recommend global variables and you can set up any other code you need from there.
Again I am not the most talented coder around and this implementation doesn't seem too hard to do. I might take another stab at this later in the week.
Has anybody tried something like this?