BluePhaze Yes, sorry about that. Its not very clear in the capx provided, nor how i formulated my issue, but what if i have 20 different objects (with different behaviors, settings and events linked to each), but they all use the same tilesheet? Thats my issue.
Lets say i have 20 tree objects in this project. Each tree rotates around seperate circular shapes, some of these trees are moving constantly (up or down), some never move, and some are moving based on triggered events or periodically. All of the objects are behaving different in some way - but they could all use the same tilesheet (ie. they look the same).
If the tree was a static art asset i would of course just create 1 object and create instances of that object throughout the level.
I've for sure missed something very crucial during my time with this tool, because there has to be a better way of doing it. So my apologies for these rather basic questions.