Usermedia Text to Speech long text never clears is speaking

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  • Problem Description

    I am using the UserMedia to do text-to-speech to read out the game as part of an accessibility jam. It works fine for short pieces of text but when I put in a longer text to be spoken it speaks it, but never seems to release. I use the 'Is Speaking' property to do other things but that flag never gets turned off during long text. I added a red 'speaking' sprite to indicate when 'Is Speaking' is on or off. It never turns off after the first text is read.

    Attach a Capx ... sCopy.capx

    Description of Capx

    Reads text out. Should also rotate through options and read them out too. But instead it stays stuck on the first section.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Click or press SPACE to skip title
    • Listen to the first text.
    • Notice that it never moves the selector to other options nor reads the text. Notice the red sprite in the top left stays on.
    • Edit the CAPX and on event 32 disable the long text and enable the short text.
    • It then works as expected.

    Observed Result

    Notice that it never moves the selector to other options nor reads the text. Notice the red sprite in the top left stays on.

    Expected Result

    The red sprite in the top left should dissapear when the text has been read. The pink selector should move to the other options and be read out loud.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 U1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    R168 64bit Steam

  • Closing: the .capx has 77 events, which is too many to easily tell that it's a real bug and not just a mistake in your events. Please post a new report using a minimal .capx with the fewest objects and events possible that reproduces the problem, otherwise we assume it's a mistake in your events.

  • Sorry about that. I edited it down to the bare mininum and re-posted the bug here:

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  • I have the same bug....

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