The total number of events in my capx is 90, but construct counts them as 100. I had more event sheets and layouts, but deleted them.I dont think I put code in them though. Possibly. Cant say for sure.
This is really screwing me now as I just need 5 more events.
Not fond of giving my e-mail address to a download site, can you host with DropBox instead?
Groups and global variables count as events, do you have any of them? I worked around this by using variables on objects and separating blocks of code with some lines of comments.
Alesandro Wow, didnt know that. In fact I do have global variables. What a bummer.
Thanks for that one, we can consider this case closed then.
Dont worry about downloading the cap file guys.
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The total number of events used in the project (counting variables and groups in) appears in the status bar at the bottom right of the IDE.