Link to .capx file (required!):
and link to the online version.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Load up the online verson
2. Wait for it to load.
Observed result:
When I upload my game to Dropbox it's just a black screen after a while the game area go whites but nothing else appears. Minify was turned off as well.
Expected result:
The game would actually load like it does when I run it locally
Browsers affected:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes
Internet Explorer: yes
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 7 64Bit
Construct 2 version:
Release 119
Also when I look in the console this comes up:
Uncaught Error: SecurityError: DOM Exception 18 c2runtime.js:1730
GLWrap_.loadTexture c2runtime.js:1730
instanceProto.onCreate c2runtime.js:11340
Runtime.createInstanceFromInit c2runtime.js:3297
Layer.createInitialInstances c2runtime.js:4898
Layout.startRunning c2runtime.js:4284
Runtime.go_textures_done c2runtime.js:2723
Runtime.go c2runtime.js:2634
(anonymous function) c2runtime.js:2679