Problem Description
Moving an object in the layout can cause other object to be display differently in the current and other layout.
The object is still on the correct position, he is just invisble there, while he is diplayed somewhere else.
I have a bigger project and this is causing troubles during editing. I can't see properly what object I have selected.
Though, this bug doesn't affect the preview of the game. Exporting the game doesn't got affected either.
I have tried the same Capx on three different computer and all of them show the same problem.
I suspect there is a problem with the warp effect. Even deleting him, there might be some left overs whom didn't got removed.
Attach a Capx ... 20bug.capx
Description of Capx
This Capx is stripped down from my bigger project. I didn't manage to reproduce the exact same bug from scratch. However, this Capx does consist the bug.
It has two spritefonts objects.
Both have a replace color effect.
The left spritefont has an effect Warp.
This is how the layout looks like originally
Select the spritefont named start and move him around randomly. Everything should be displayed differently eventually.
Eventhough everything seems to be displayed differently, or seems to be dissapeared sometimes. The object is still on his original position.
Steps to Reproduce Bug
You will need this spritefont ... _34x29.png
- Create spritefont 1 on the left side
- Change the sprite font to the one I have provided
- Set character witdh to 34
- Set character height to 29
- Set character spacing to 3
- Create spritefont 2 on the right side
- Change the sprite font to the one I have provided
- Set character witdh to 34
- Set character height to 29
- Set character spacing to 3
- Copy spritefont 2 three times and but them under each other.
- Add replace color effect on spritefont 1 and spritefont 2
- Add warp effect on spritefont 1
- Select spritefont 1 and move around
- If this doesn't work, try ctrl+z till spritefont 1 is on it's original position
- select the first spritefont 2 and move him around
Observed Result
Sometimes, the spritefont with the warp effect will dissapear visually from the layout. Sometimes it influence other objects visual representation.
Often, this doesn't occur.
Expected Result
The objects should be displayed in the original position.
Affected Browsers
- Chrome: NO
- FireFox: NO
- Internet Explorer: NO
Operating System and Service Pack
Windows 7 Home Premium
Service pack 1
I forgot what operating system the other computers have. I will post it here once I have acces to it.
Construct 2 Version ID
r200 stable