For example, I need to reset the ball after it goes into the goal and adds 1 to count.
But I don't want to reset the score just yet.
Thanks in advance.
Why dont you reset each global variable individually? Leave only the score variable
System>>Set value>>0
Perfect, Thank you!
I did that, sounds right, but it doesn't seem to want to work that way.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Usualy the score gets written in the Local Storage. And read back on layout startup.
If you intend to not use the Local Storage, or it is not in place yet and you want to debug things ....
Then there is a easy solution like this ....
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7zxzxic7efx83 ... .capx?dl=0
Notice that SCOREbackup = static.
Usualy the score gets written in the Local Storage. And read back on layout startup. If you intend to not use the Local Storage, or it is not in place yet and you want to debug things .... Then there is a easy solution like this .... https://www.dropbox.com/s/7zxzxic7efx83 ... .capx?dl=0 Notice that SCOREbackup = static.
Thank you, that was real clean.
And works.
Thanks everyone.