new to construct 2, i want to make similar game like this ... 7a537.html
how i can acheive this in construct 2, any 1 can share any tutorial
new to construct 2, i want to make similar game like this ... 7a537.html how i can acheive this in construct 2, any 1 can share any tutorial thanks
i think is very easy to make, with "on key pressed" condition..
ok how i match the letters with top letters
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
you know the top letters in advance, so for example, you could make a system of variables that unlock as you press the corresponding key on the keyboard
kainrazial you could do it like tutorial below ... -variables
kainrazial you could do it like tutorial below ... -variables
thanks for gudience, the tutorials is very useful
kainrazial Most welcome need help we are here anytime just pm