In short, your answer is Variables. you can use Instance or global variables, though instance variables are geared more towards hoards of enemies. if its player vs player, you can get away with using global variables.
once you create the global or instance (Numerical) variable , your code would look something like :
Player- On hit - subtract X from HealthVariable.
you can use the same logic in reverse.
player-on collision w item - add X to HealthVariable
To kill player when life is at 0 or below (in case player is at 1 health and is hit twice at once)
If HealthVariable = equal or less than 0, player = destroy
Similarly, If They Pick Up Health, Instead of Stacking 999999/100 health, You can cut it off at a maximum.
If HealthVariable = Greater than MaxHealth, Set HealthVariable to MaxHealth
The same with 'FlowerPoints'. Create A Variable named Flowerpoints.
Player - On Collision - Add X To Flowerpoints.
Every Tick - Set FPText To - "Flowerpoints : "&Flowerpoints
- Set HPText To -"Health : "&HealthVariable" / "&MaxHealth
You can then create pickups that allow for More than Max Health.