Various general actions, conditions and expressions. A kind of extension to the native C2 System.
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or download TR_System.c2addon directly
Open logical condition (equivalent of clean if statement from programming languages)
On Timestamp condition - allows to set an action for a particular time in future
Get current group name
Hashing functions: Base64, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, Super64 (if you need more/different hashing functions or simply a stand alone dedicated plugin, check CB Hash plugin by
Get screen aspect ratio, screen width, screen height (not the canvas, but screen)
Is in set (equivalent to in_array from programming
... and more
v1.5 update (2017-02-09)
- Is value in set (Value, {item1, item2, item...}) condition added: Is true when Value is equal to at least one of elements in set.
v1.4 update (2017-01-11)
- ScreenWidth expression added: Return the width of currently set screen resolution.
- ScreenHeight expression added: Return the height of currently set screen resolution.
- GetScreenRatio expression added: Return the (string) aspect ratio of the screen (ex. "16:9") or 0 (integer) if could not detect.
- IsScreenRatio expression added: Check if screen aspect ratio is equal to "WidthRatio":"HeightRatio". Return 1 if true and 0 if false.
- GCD expression added: Return the Greatest Common Divisor for a and b parameters or 0 if wasn't found.
- Is screen aspect ratio(Width ratio, Height ratio) condition added: True when screen aspect ratio is equal to "Width ratio":"Height ratio".
v1.3 update (2017-01-09)
- GetTimerTimeLeft(tag) expression added: Return the remaining time before timer triggers (in milliseconds)
- Fixed a bug when timer condition was checked before the particular timer tag was started
v1.2 update (2017-01-05)
- Hashing/encoding functions added: Base64, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, Super64
v1.1 update (2017-01-02)
Full ACE table: