The problem is that you can not specify the family, UID of an instance and X,Y position in the same expression. Therefor there is a middle step needed here and I am just not familiar enough with everything to be able to write it.
Well actually it is photon dependent, because the data that you send and that is received is notated differently than what I am used to in Construct. What kind of syntax is that? Is it a specific language that we can learn/see the IDE of somewhere?
So for example when I send the position there is:
Then when you want photon to take over the data there is:
int(tokenat(Photon.EventData,0,"|")) for X and
int(tokenat(Photon.EventData,1,"|")) for Y
I guess that I need a certain kind of data notation to write into the raisevents and onevents. Where can one learn such practices/syntax? Can anyone just help me out with just this for now by posting a screenshot or pseudo code? Please? I am super desperate