[PLUGIN] HTML | iFrame

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  • Nandynho , THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!

  • Hi everybody

    i test [PLUGIN] iFrame & InsertHTML . its awesome but

    i found that _insertHTML object is not bounded to its defined area,

    so scrollbars will not be appear at all!

    i forced to solve this by div

    Someone help me please..

  • nikosurfing thank you man! *new version

    Alphawolf sorry about that, I made a mistake when I updated the plugin. Should now work normally.


    New Version v1.12

  • I think I've figured out a solution to my issue.

    One thing I think would be useful would be some triggers form the iframe.

    One for when a url is loaded successfully.

    And one for when it fails to load a url.

    Especially for the second.

  • cool plugin, but im getting a javascript security error when i try to refresh the iframe. (cross origin)

  • [quote:tmwluq9d]New Version v1.13

      Scroll to (X%)

      Fix mini-bug

      Plugin - Capx

    • newt The functions "On load" and "On error" does not work?

      *_iFrame only works with "iframe".

      *_insertHTML only works with "div" (insertHTML).

      *_HTML work with both.

      xanxion The error only appears when you reload? Do you have an simple capx?

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    • newt The functions "On load" and "On error" does not work?

      *_iFrame only works with "iframe".

      *_insertHTML only works with "div" (insertHTML).

      *_HTML work with both.

      Its as you said the "iframe" only works with iframe.

      On load, and on error only work with insertHtml.

      I need iframe.

      I've found a work around with the ajax plug.

    • 'On load' and 'On error' it should work with iframe and insertHTML.

      Try downloading of the capx.

    • nikosurfing thank you man! *new version

      Alphawolf sorry about that, I made a mistake when I updated the plugin. Should now work normally.


      New Version v1.12

      • Scrollbar update https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ek8g98uxb63cfs ... rtHTML.zip Download

      Thank you sir!

      i solved my problem by css style

      set css style "overflow" to "auto"

      but i have another problem:

      if we use touch plugin in a layout; we can't scroll _insertHTML on that layout

      using touchwrap plugin and disable touchwrap option, can be usefull. but it didn't work well

      in other word; i need to use touch & _insertHTML at a same time in my project.

      give me a way or hint please

      my project depend on it

    • Sorry Alphawolf

      I can not test on my phone. You could check if it will work?


      // ECMAScript 5 strict mode
      "use strict";
      assert2(cr, "cr namespace not created");
      assert2(cr.plugins_, "cr.plugins_ not created");
      // Plugin class
      cr.plugins_.htmlCODE = function(runtime)
      	this.runtime = runtime;
      var onreturn = false;
      var jsreturn = "";
      function JSreturn(text)
      	onreturn = true;
      	jsreturn = text;
      // Plugin
      (function ()
      	var pluginProto = cr.plugins_.htmlCODE.prototype;
      	// Object type class
      	pluginProto.Type = function(plugin)
      		this.plugin = plugin;
      		this.runtime = plugin.runtime;
      	var typeProto = pluginProto.Type.prototype;
      	// called on startup for each object type
      	typeProto.onCreate = function()
      	// Instance class
      	pluginProto.Instance = function(type)
      		this.type = type;
      		this.runtime = type.runtime;
      	var instanceProto = pluginProto.Instance.prototype;
      	// called whenever an instance is created
      	instanceProto.onCreate = function()
      		if (this.properties[6])
      			this.elem = document.createElement("div");
      			this.elem.innerHTML = this.properties[8];
      		} else
      			this.elem = document.createElement("iframe");
      			if (this.properties[7])
      				GoToURL(this, this.properties[7]);
      		var widthfactor = this.width > 0 ? 1 : -1;
      		var heightfactor = this.height > 0 ? 1 : -1;
      		this.elem.oWidth = this.width;
      		this.elem.oHeight = this.height;
      		this.x = parseInt(this.x);
      		this.y = parseInt(this.y);
      		this.elem.style.cssText = "-webkit-transform:rotate("+ this.angle * widthfactor * heightfactor*180/3.1416 + "deg);" +
      						 		"-moz-transform:rotate("+ this.angle * widthfactor * heightfactor*180/3.1416 + "deg);" +
      								"-o-transform:rotate("+ this.angle * widthfactor * heightfactor*180/3.1416 + "deg);" +
      								"-ms-transform:rotate("+ this.angle * widthfactor * heightfactor*180/3.1416 + "deg);";
      		this.elem.width = Math.round(this.elem.width);
      		this.elem.height = Math.round(this.elem.height);
      		this.elem.x = Math.round(this.elem.x);
      		this.elem.y = Math.round(this.elem.y);
      		//--- style start
      		this.elem.id = (this.properties[0]);
      		this.elem.setAttribute("id", this.elem.id);
      		// Allow Fullscreen
      		this.elem.setAttribute("frameborder", 0);
      		this.elem.setAttribute("allowFullScreen", "");
      		// Allow Touch *scroll
      		this.elem.setAttribute("style", "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch");
      		if (this.properties[2])
      			this.elem.setAttribute("title", this.properties[2]);
      		this.elem.style.background = (this.properties[3]);
      		this.elem.style.border = this.properties[4] ? this.properties[4] : "none";
      		switch (this.properties[5]) {
      			case 0:
      				this.elem.setAttribute("scrolling", "no");
      				this.elem.style.overflow = "hidden";
      			case 1:
      				this.elem.style.overflow = "auto";
      			case 2:
      				this.elem.style.overflowX = "auto";
      				this.elem.style.overflowY = "hidden";
      			case 3:
      				this.elem.style.overflowX = "hidden";
      				this.elem.style.overflowY = "auto";
      		this.elem.style.color = (this.properties[9]);
      		if (this.properties[11])
      			this.CSSref = document.createElement("link");
      			this.CSSref.setAttribute("name", this.properties[11]);
      			this.CSSref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
      			this.CSSref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
      			this.CSSref.setAttribute("href", this.properties[11]);
      			if (typeof this.CSSref != "undefined")
      			this.cssFile = this.properties[11];
      		//--- style end
      		//--- script start
      		if (this.properties[12])
      			this.JSscript = this.properties[12];
      			this.JSref = document.createElement('script');
      			this.JSref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
      			this.JSref.setAttribute("async", "async");
      			this.JSref.setAttribute("src", this.JSscript);
      			if (typeof this.JSref != "undefined")
      		//--- script end
      		// Change "body" to "c2canvasdiv" *(to work with request full screen in browser plugin)
      		if (!this.properties[1])
      			this.visible = false;
      		this.scale = 1.0;
      	instanceProto.onDestroy = function ()
      		this.elem = null;
      	instanceProto.tick = function ()
      	instanceProto.updatePosition = function (first)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		if (onreturn)
      			this.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnReturn, this);
      			this.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.JSreturn, this);
      		var left = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x, this.y, true);
      		var top = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x, this.y, false);
      		var right = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, true);
      		var bottom = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, false);
      		// Is entirely offscreen or invisible: hide
      		if (!this.visible || !this.layer.visible || right <= 0 || bottom <= 0 || left >= this.runtime.width || top >= this.runtime.height)
      		// Truncate to canvas size
      		if (left < 1)
      			left = 1;
      		if (top < 1)
      			top = 1;
      		if (right >= this.runtime.width)
      			right = this.runtime.width - 1;
      		if (bottom >= this.runtime.height)
      			bottom = this.runtime.height - 1;
      		var offx = left + jQuery(this.runtime.canvas).offset().left;
      		var offy = top + jQuery(this.runtime.canvas).offset().top;
      		jQuery(this.elem).offset({left: offx, top: offy});
      		jQuery(this.elem).width(right - left);
      		jQuery(this.elem).height(bottom - top);
      		//rounding position & width to avoid jitter
      		this.elem.width = Math.round(this.elem.width);
      		this.elem.height = Math.round(this.elem.height);
      		this.elem.x = Math.round(this.elem.x);
      		this.elem.y = Math.round(this.elem.y);
      		if (this.properties[10] == 1)
      			jQuery(this.elem).css("font-size", ((this.layer.getScale(true) / this.runtime.devicePixelRatio) - 0.2) + "em");
      		if (this.properties[10] == 2)
      			jQuery(this.elem).css("font-size", ((this.layer.getScale(true) / this.runtime.devicePixelRatio) - 0.3) + "em");
      		if (this.properties[10] == 3)
      			jQuery(this.elem).css("font-size", ((this.layer.getScale(true) / this.runtime.devicePixelRatio) - 0.1) + "em");
      		if (this.properties[10] == 4)
      			jQuery(this.elem).css("font-size", ((this.layer.getScale(true) / this.runtime.devicePixelRatio) - 0.05) + "em");
      	// only called if a layout object
      	instanceProto.draw = function(ctx)
      	instanceProto.drawGL = function(glw)
      	// Functions
      	function GoToURL(this_, url_) {
      		this_.load = 1;
      		this_.elem.src = url_;
      		this_.currentURL = url_;
      			context: this_,
      			dataType: "text",
      			type: "GET",
      			url: url_,
      			success: function() {
      				this_.elem.onload = (function (self) {
      					return function() {
      						self.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnLoad, self);
      				this_.load = 0;
      			error: function() {
      				this_.elem.onload = (function (self) {
      					return function() {
      						self.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnError, self);
      				this_.load = 0;
      	// Conditions
      	function Cnds() {};
      	Cnds.prototype.CompareCSSFilename = function (text)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      			return false;
      		return cr.equals_nocase(this.cssFile, text);
      	Cnds.prototype.CompareCSSStyle = function (text)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      			return false;
      		return this.elem.style.cssText === text;
      	Cnds.prototype.CompareHTML = function (text, case_)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      			return false;
      		if (case_ === 0)	// insensitive
      			return cr.equals_nocase(this.elem.innerHTML, text);
      			return this.elem.innerHTML === text;
      	Cnds.prototype.OnError = function ()
      		return true;
      	Cnds.prototype.OnLoad = function ()
      		return true;
      	Cnds.prototype.OnReturn = function (text)
      		onreturn = false;
      		return true;
      	Cnds.prototype.JSreturn = function (text, case_)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      			return false;
      		if (case_ === 0)	// insensitive
      			return cr.equals_nocase(jsreturn, text);
      			return jsreturn === text;
      	//--- iFrame
      	Cnds.prototype.IsFocused = function ()
      		return this.elem === document.activeElement;
      	Cnds.prototype.IsLoading = function ()
      		return this.load;
      	Cnds.prototype.URL = function (text)
      		if (!this.properties[6])
      			return text == this.elem.contentWindow.location.href;
      	pluginProto.cnds = new Cnds();
      	// Actions
      	function Acts() {};
      	Acts.prototype.SetVisible = function (vis)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.visible = (vis !== 0);
      	Acts.prototype.SetTooltip = function (text)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.title = text;
      	Acts.prototype.ImpCSSFile = function (filename)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.CSSref = document.createElement("link");
      		this.CSSref.setAttribute("name", filename);
      		this.CSSref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
      		this.CSSref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
      		this.CSSref.setAttribute("href", filename);
      		if (typeof this.CSSref != "undefined")
      		this.cssFile = filename;
      	Acts.prototype.RemCSSFile = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.remove = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
      		for (var i = this.elem.remove.length; i >= 0; i--) {
      			if (this.elem.remove[i] && this.elem.remove[i].getAttribute("name") === this.cssFile) {
      		this.cssFile = "";
      	Acts.prototype.SetCSS = function (p, v)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      	Acts.prototype.SetScale = function (scale, r)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.style.transform = "scale("+scale+")";
      		if (r)
      			this.width = (this.width * this.scale) / scale;
      			this.height = (this.height * this.scale) / scale;
      			this.scale = scale;
      	//--- insertHTML
      	Acts.prototype.SetHTML = function (text)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.innerHTML = text;
      	Acts.prototype.AppendHTML = function(param)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		if (cr.is_number(param))
      			param = Math.round(param * 1e10) / 1e10;	// round to nearest ten billionth - hides floating point errors
      		var inner_to_append = param.toString();
      		if (inner_to_append)	// not empty
      			this.elem.innerHTML += inner_to_append;
      	Acts.prototype.LoadHTML = function (url_, postdata_)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.load = 1;
      		if(postdata_.length) {
      				context: this,
      				dataType: "text",
      				type: "POST",
      				url: url_,
      				data: postdata_,
      				success: function(data) {
      					this.load = 0;
      					this.elem.innerHTML = data;
      					this.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnLoad, this);
      				error: function() {
      					this.load = 0;
      					this.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnError, this);
      		} else {
      				context: this,
      				dataType: "text",
      				type: "GET",
      				url: url_,
      				success: function(data) {
      					this.load = 0;
      					this.elem.innerHTML = data;
      					this.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnLoad, this);
      				error: function() {
      					this.load = 0;
      					this.runtime.trigger(Cnds.prototype.OnError, this);
      	Acts.prototype.ScrollTop = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
              this.elem.scrollTop = 0;
      	Acts.prototype.ScrollBottom = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.scrollTop = this.elem.scrollHeight;
      	Acts.prototype.ScrollTo = function (to_)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		to_ /= 100;
      		this.elem.scrollTop = this.elem.scrollHeight;
      		this.elem.scrollTop *= to_;
      	//--- iFrame
      	Acts.prototype.Blur = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      	Acts.prototype.Focus = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      	Acts.prototype.SetURL = function (url_)
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		GoToURL(this, url_);
      	Acts.prototype.Backward = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.src = this.elem.contentWindow.history.back();
      	Acts.prototype.Forward = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      		this.elem.src = this.elem.contentWindow.history.forward();
      	Acts.prototype.Reload = function ()
      		if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
      	pluginProto.acts = new Acts();
      	// Expressions
      	function Exps() {};
      	Exps.prototype.CSSFilename = function (ret)
      	Exps.prototype.CSS = function (ret)
      	//--- HTML
      	Exps.prototype.HTML = function (ret)
      		if (this.properties[6])
      			ret.set_string("<html>" + jQuery(this.elem).contents().find("*").html() + "</html>");
      	Exps.prototype.JSreturn = function (ret)
      	//--- iFrame
      	Exps.prototype.URL = function (ret)
      		if (this.properties[6])
      			this.currentURL = "";
      			this.currentURL = this.elem.contentWindow.location.href;
      	pluginProto.exps = new Exps();
    • Sorry Alphawolf

      I can not test on my phone. You could check if it will work?

      Hi nice man! Dear Nandynho

      i found scroll to (x%) in your plugin update and that was my need. i made an internal c2 function for calculate proper "x", and then >> scroll to x%

      now my problem is solved.

    • I really did not expect ScrollTo could be useful for something.

      I'm glad you helped, good luck on your project!


      New Version v1.141

      • [+] Get object ID.
      • [-] Removed some lines.

      Plugin - Capx

    • I really did not expect ScrollTo could be useful for something.

      I'm glad you helped, good luck on your project!

      Thank You Nandynho

      Now i need to run external js in _insertHTML.

      Please make an example for us

      at now when i using external js, screen goes to completely black

      another question:

      could _inserthtml.html runs script that placed inside it?

      for example:

      there are some texts in body


      <script>something for detect urls</script>

      i can't run my script in this way.

      do you have any help for me please?

    • Of course!

      Alphawolf Simple External JS.

      *I think that scripts placed inside the body are read only in the creation of the body.

      Only once...

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