Pathfinding is another topic.
Boids ... might be similar, but still different I thought.
irina , have a look at this, perhaps it already does the flocking part.
Iw seen that, its an old plugin and its boids overlap eachother... wich is a deal breaker for me...
eli0s Iw seen that, its an old plugin and its boids overlap eachother... wich is a deal breaker for me...
I see. Then perhaps you can build something with events. Have a look at this example made by R0J0hound. I believe you can fiddle with it and make something that resembles a flock-like movement.
-EDIT- Sorry for deviating from the main topic, this behavior is amazing! -EDIT-
Thanks, this looks promising!!
I might make another boils behavior when I had time.
rexrainbow , that would be simply amazing! Thank you in advance
Here is the discuss thread of boids behavior.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
rexrainbow , that's awesome! I'm running over there right now! Thank you!!!
Any reason this plugin is set to run as "bf_onlyone"? I'm using two instances of the behavior by adding my objects to a family, and everything seems to be working fine.
I added some minor functionality to this behavior; just thought I'd share: ... od.7z?dl=0
1. Can see and set params A/n/B/m in debug mode.
2. Can get params A/n/B/m as expressions, so these values can be retrieved during runtime.
Feel free to roll these into the official version if you feel like it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
Add expression: A, n, B, m.
Display Parameters A,n,B,m on debug panel.
I had merged them, thanks for sharing.
But I changed expression name Param_A to A, Param_n to n, Param_B to B, Param_m to m.
Thanks for merging.
The cars AI v2 looks great, Now "only" needs a way to resolve the short path to get the best fast time and perfect <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">
Also this remember this Mario AI:
The red lines seems to calculate que best/fast way to resolve the situation but maybe looks too complicated to do something similar and will be better for another kind of behaviour.
This behavior does not calculate the shortest path.
Since this behavior does not affect the movement of sprite, designer could add another leader angle/force by shortest path calculation.