Sorry for the late reply guys,
That is the correct behavior of how EaseInBack, EaseInBounce etc works.
I'll try to explain EaseInBack and EaseOutBack using ordinary words.
So in height tween of EaseOutBack, it works by making its height bigger, then it will exceed 68 pixel, after that it will return to the 68 pixel with.
In height tween of EaseInBack, it starts by making its height smaller, then grow its height bigger until it reach 68 pixel.
But in the case of EaseInBack since it starts at zero, the height became negative, which cause it to turn upside down. This is how C2 behave, if you set height or width to negative value it will flip or mirror (actually that is how it is coded in javascript), so I can't do anything with it. Clamping it to zero in litetween using javascript would make other people who expect it to go negative unsatisfied. So if you still want that effect, you should clamp it to zero in C2 events.
I made a simple example here: ... anged.capx
Are you sure you don't want EaseOutBack instead?