Thank you for humoring me and putting in the User HTML elements = true/false capability. Unfortunately, this wasn't the fix. *feeling a little sheepish*
X3M and
I finally had a chance to sit down with both the Nexus 5 and the iPhone 7 Plus running the "pong" example. I tested every combination that I could think of:
Scaling Modes:
Scale Inner
Scale Outer
Letterbox Scale
Letterbox Integer Scale
AirConsole Plugin + AirConsoleController Plugin
AirConsole Plugin Only
AirConsoleController Plugin Only
Neither Plugin
iPhone 7 Plus
Nexus 5
Hi-DPI Mode On
Hi-DPI Mode Off
I found that in all cases, the Nexus 5 had no problems, and the iPhone 7 Plus failed to recognize scaling mode whenever either the AirConsole Plugin or the AirConsoleController Plugin were used. The problem went away when I removed both plugins.
From the above, I have concluded the problem with iOS failing to recognize scaling is most likely an adverse interaction between AirConsole's API and Construct 2, and has nothing to do with either plugin. Perhaps there is something in the AirConsole code that is overwriting the C2 scaling?
Would it be possible to take a look at this within the airconsole API itself? I know this is probably asking a lot, but it would be nice to know if a fix is possible. We were really looking forward to using Construct 2 for our controllers, but understand if this isn't really a priority. I have posted the details on StackOverflow.
Thank you all for putting so much time and effort into getting this working!