Wrap your game inside Electron instead of NW.js
Is there a c3 version of this?
In Nwjs the files have a small protection when the "package" is created, in Eletron if I want to distribute my game, would it be open or do you have a similar solution?
There is a similar process, tho it is not yet supported. If you plan on using this tool and need this feature, I invite you to file an issue here : github.com/C2Electron/template/issues
sadly the software kinda broke on windows. I installed it and updated it to v6.x but when i type even "efc donate" it says "this is not electron project"
I'm sorry for the trouble
I'm aware of these issues but I'm currently rewriting the whole tool from scratch
If you want to follow the development, you can either join this discord: discord.com/invite/dpPMUmX or subscribe to this repo: github.com/ElectronForConstruct/cli
Thanks for the reply, so is it usable at all at this moment?
Cause i followed the "new" websites guide and still have errors and dont know what to do , when executing "efc" command it wont open a "menu" . i have to enter "new" and a project name but it wont work at all. Always says name required.
ElectronForC2 was not found found too
Where is "the precompiled Electron version of your choice" download ?
I've updated the documentation to point to the right link!
Please see efc.armaldio.xyz
Desktop distribution is purely academic without solid support of the biggest desktop storefront on the planet - Steam and its API/Steamworks.
What's the situation about this in Electron?
There is currently no support for Steam, but we have MadSpy in our Discord server (https://discord.gg/dZDU7Re) who is the developer of Steam4C2
We have already discussed about an integration into Electron and that should not require a lot of time. Though, he doesn't have a lot of time to make this possible. However I've successfully integrated Electron with the Steam overlay feature. I've never tried the Scirra's Steamworks integration.
This plugin/tool is also Open-source which mean everyone can contribute to it!
I hope I've answered your qustion.