Shortly after finishing the expression-to-JavaScript compiler , I realised a couple of the performance tricks we used there could actually be applied to conditi...
That's really interesting. Good Job guys! I'm wondering... would an operational expression reap the benefits of these latest performance tweaks also? I did some test and didn't notice any significant difference between C2 and C3 runtime.
What do you mean by "operational"? Are you talking about the conditional expression? That is compiled to a JavaScript conditional expression, but the test is mainly bottlenecked on drawing and rotating instances, so it's not really a suitable test for measuring event performance.
Ahhh i see what you mean. I changed it to not involve any drawing. So now i got better performance in c3 than C2 runtime. almost double... :)
It's nice to see though that the performance of events is getting closer and closer to the performance of a behaviour doing similar things Keep it up!
A slight improvement though, but given the latest updates I would think this should be more. Shouldn't an operational expression be easily translatable to a javascript function?