DeformQuad (Construct 3 Effects)

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    Deform a quad image within the boundary of an object using relative vertices with the object.

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  • Added 1.2.1 which changes to highp precision, let me know how it goes.

    • wow! That's fixed it! Thank you!

      • You are welcome, if you get a chance, I'm always interested in how my addons are used...

      • Mikal The one other thing I forgot to mention was, when using an alpha image (like in the video) and using trilinear or bilinear sampling you get a very faint line around the edge of the sprite? When set to nearest this doesn't happen but then unfortunately it looks ugly.

        Do you have any tips or fixes on how this can be resolved?

        Thanks again!

        • One thought is to try adding a few transparent pixels around all the edges of the image. Also the same with all other textures/images in your project (neighboring textures on the spritesheet may be bleeding into this texture.)

          • Thanks Mikal I did read that somewhere and have already done so but unfortunately it still remains. I will do some more testing, really hope I can resolve it as this working so well!

            It is actually something I am developing as part of a professional magic trick routine. So unfortunately cannot show much. But appreciate your efforts as it’s a great plug-in.

            • Did you add transparent border around all images in your project, not just the one with the effect? Do you have a sample project I can test and debug with?

              • Hi Mikal, I know this was a while ago now but I am revisiting this and trying to overcome this same issue.

                I can try and send over an example showing the issue but to describe again:

                It is a single PNG image that is transparent right to the edges of the image with only some non-alpha parts within the image. The non-alpha areas are a solid colour (red) which is what is then seen as a thin border of the whole image (the 4 sides).

                Again it only happens when using tri or bilinear sampling.

                Hope you can help.

                • Hi, sure upload a link to the project (I use to share files, but whatever works for you.)

                  In general I use 3DShape or 3DObject to do what I used to want to do with this effect these days.

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